Rural Enterprise Financing Project: Procurement of services to conduct training on agricultural value chain |
Gender, Social Reproduction and Agricultural Innovations |
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Horticulture |
Piloting Climate Services for Agriculture and Tourism Sector in Chitwan |
Midterm Evaluation Study On Strengthening Smallholder Enterprises of Livestock Value Chain for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Nepal II (SLVC II) |
Promotion of vegetable production through demonstration in Nawalparasi district |
Reducing Disaster Risk and Enhancing Emergency Response Capacities in Multi-Hazrd Risk Prone Urban Areas of Nepal |
COVID-19 Livelihoods and Economic Recovery Project (LERP) in Rautahat District |
Dairy for Development in Nepal |
Sustainable Economic Development in Rural areas in Nepal (SEDRA) |
Building livelihood resilience and nutrition security in the Kamala River Basin, Siraha District, Nepal |
Agricultural Entrepreneurship Among Remittance Receiving Female-headed Households in Nepal (JP17K17917) |
Enhancing Food and Nutritional Security and Improved Livelihoods through Intensification of Rice-fallow System with Pulse Crop in South Asia (Bangladesh, India and Nepal) |
Strengthen Community Resilience to Disaster through Safe School Initiatives in Sunsari Project |
Monitoring and Verification of Community Development Programme - Second Phase |
Building Community Enterprises of Smallholders in Bangladesh and Nepal |
Strengthening Community Resilience through WASH & DRM Project in Sunsari District |
Girls Agency and Youth Empowerment Project |
Girls and Boys Start Equally Project in Morang District |
Girls Act Project (BALIKA SHAKTI) |
Gender Transformative - Community Resilient (GET-CRDRM) Project |
Enhancing Livelihood of Smallholder Farmers in Central Terai Districts of Nepal |
Advocacy Campaign for Women Empowerment & Gender Equality |
Riverbed Vegetable Farming |
Monitoring and Evaluation for Community Development Programme |
Improved Flood Resilience of Communities in Morang and Sunsari Districts |
Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) |
Child Centered Disaster Risk Management (CCDRM) |
Enhancing Quality Standards of Raw Milk: Validation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in the Chain |
Rural Women's Economic Empowerment (RWEE) Programme |
Transfer, Evaluation and Dissemination of an Innovative Fertilizer Management Tool (Nutrient Expert) for increasing crop yields and farmers’ income in Eastern Nepal |
Reconstruction of Earthquake Affected school in Lotanti, Chitwan |
Implementation of Forest-Based Enterprise Promotion Programme -Multi Stakeholder Forestry Programme |
Household Economic Security (HES) Programme |
Construction of Livestock Shed to Earthquake affected VDCs in Makwanpur |
Community Food Grain Seed Bank Construction in Makwanpur District |
Socioeconomic study on maize production and evaluation and dissemination of Nutrient Expert+ tool based on farmer typologies in eastern terai of Nepal |
Enhancing food security through scaling up of climate smart agricultural practices in Rice-lentil system in Dang, Banke, Bardia and Kailali districts. |
Agricultural Learning Exchange for Asian Regional Networking (AgLEARN) |
Child Centered Climate Change Adaptation (4CA) Project |
Improving the livelihood of poor households in Siddhi VDC of Chitwan through beekeeping development |
Community Practice in Schools for Learning Climate Change Adaptation (COPILA) |
Promotion of Green Economy in the Hill Areas of Nepal and Bangladesh |
Vegetable seed distribution for earthquake victims in Chitwan District |
Improving Livelihoods of smallholder dairy farmers through feed management |
Scoping study to identify and select sites for Community Seed Grain Storage Bank construction in Makwanpur district |
Scoping study to identify and select sites for livestock shed construction in Makwanpur district |
Capacity enhancement of Returnee Migrants and Remittance Receiving Households (RRHHs)of Chitwan District through Agro/Livestock Business Promotion |
Capacity enhancement of Returnee Migrants and Remittance Receiving Households (RRHHs)of Chitwan District through Agro/Livestock Business Promotion |
Study on Crop Management System of Two-tier Cropping of Pineapple and Banana in Slopping Foot Hills and Its Marketing as Cash Crops in Arun Valley of Eastern Nepal |
Market Access for Smallholder Farmers (MASF) |
Promotion of Commercially Important Non-timber Forest Products (NTFPs) for Enhancing Income in the Chepang Communities |
Promotion and Marketing of NTFP & Community Forestry Programme in PCDP/SNV Project Area |
Bee-Keeping Business for PLAN Foster Families in Churiya Mai |
Improving the Efficacy of Livestock Feeding for Increased Milk Production |
Vegetable Marketing Systems along the Dumre-Besishahar Roadheads: Socio-economic Implications for Market Oriented Production |
Banana and Agro forestry Activities |
Studies on Indigenous Farming and Natural Resource Management |
Livelihood and Income Generation Activities in Flood Affected District |
Reinforcing Resilience, Risk Reduction (Livelihood Security) Programme |
Capacity Building of Local Partners for Implementing On-farm Resource Management Project |
Integrated Assistance to IDPs, Returnees and Other Conflict Affected Populations in Mid Western Region of Nepal |
Development of Alternative Coping Strategies to Address Food Deficits in the hill Districts of Mid and Far Western Regions of Nepal |
Promotion of Community based seed production system and scaling out farmers preferred crop verities in Eastern Terai of Nepal |
Chepang Mainstreaming Program (CMP) |
Addressing Food Security through the Identification of Farmer Preferred Crop Varieties and by Strengthening Local Seed Supply System in the Rural Communities of Western Nepal |
Integrated management of Grain Legumes in Rice-Based Cropping Systems in the Terai of Nepal |
Harnessing the true potential of legumes: Economic and knowledge empowerments of poor rainfed farmers in Asia |
Kitchen Gardening Program |
Capacity building of local partners for implementing on-farm resource management project |
Jajarkot Self-Reliance Programme in partnership with HRDC |
Integrated Farm Improvement through Soil Management Practices in Field Crops, Vegetables, Fruits and through Fodder Promotion |
Social Preparation for Women for Crop Diversification Program |
Promotion of On-Farm Livelihood Option for Increasing Food Sufficiency and Family Income of Resource Poor Families |
Capacity Building of Local Organizations to Implement Sustainable Agro-based Livelihood Programs |
Sustainable Integrated Farming System (SIFS) in South Asia (Crops, NTFPs, livestock, fishery) |
Promoting new maize varieties in the hilly areas |
Target Group Analysis in RDP/GTZ Project area |
A Survey Report on Agro-forestry Practices in the Churiya Forest Development Project Areas |
Traditional technology with a modern twist |
Promoting new rice and legumes varieties from client-oriented breeding |
Promotion of Integrated Plant Nutrition System in Maize-based Cropping Patterns |
Comparative Advantage Analysis of Plan Working VDCs in Makwanpur District |
Formulation of a Comprehensive Report on Praja Development Program |
Developing Baseline Census Profile of Foster Child Families and Assessing Domain Wise Situation to Support Future Development Intervention by Plan Makwanpur |
Promotion of Integrated Pest Management Approaches against Fruit Borer and Viral Diseases of Tomato in Mid Western Development Region of Nepal |
Conflict Transformation Assistance to IDPs in Mid Western Development Region of Nepal |
Study on the Improvement of Productivity and Production of Oilseed Crops through Integrated Crop Management Practices in the Mid-western Region of Nepal |
Study on Efficacy of Sisno Pani (nettle water extract) in Controlling Disease and Pests of Major Vegetable Crops of Mid Hills of Nepal |
Cultural Research on Samayo for its Domestication on Terrace Risers and in Community Forest Areas |
Research and Analysis of Agricultural Inputs Sector in Selected Districts of Nepal |
Study on Natural Resource Management Practices in Selected Communities |
Promotion of Rainfed Rabi Cropping in Eastern, Central and Western Terai of Nepal |
Nepal Market Development Programme (NMDP) - Dairy sub sector |
Adoption of Improved Maize Varieties in the Hills of Nepal and the Impact of Community Based Seed Production |
Consulting Services to Develop Appropriate Agricultural Training Package |
Baseline Survey for Feed the Future (FtF) Nepal |
Sustainable Transformation of Agricultural Systems for Enhancing Economic Security of the Poor |
Commercial Promotion of Lentil Sub-sector in Eleven Terai Districts of Nepal |
Poverty Reduction through Crops Intensification in Rice Fallow |
Diversification of Market-led Production System for Enhancing Food and Economic Security of the Poor People |
Plastic pond water harvesting scheme for commercialization of vegetable and fish farming in Makwanpur district |
Promotion of high value commodities to enhance the livelihoods of flood-affected communities districts of Mid/Far Western Region of Nepal |
Development of self-sustaining organizations for enhancing livelihood and food security of plan sponsored families in Makwanpur district |
Livestock and Fodder/Pasture Development Program |